Breed Type


American Staffordshire Terrier Types




Bulldog Type

Characterized by heavier bone and more mass. This type falls more toward the bulldog ancestry. Somewhat shorter on leg and heavier moving, they also have more tendency toward looser, thicker skin.




Moderate Type

The perfect blending of the bull and terrier background, with strength and musculature of the bulldog, and the grace and agility of the terrier. If any type should be preferred, this would be the one.

Int, Nl, Dk Ch. White Rock Chaskras El Diego. This is one of his progeny out of Chasqui Dynamite Dust (Skram's Chasqui Black Sheila daughter) Ch. Skram's White Rock Red Dust.




Terrier Type

Showing a strong relationship to the terrier in the background, this body type is quick, agile, tight, sometimes leggier, lighter boned, carrying less muscle mass. This type is often very stylish and elegant. This type should not be preferred over the others, as it can be quickly exaggerated, losing the muscle mass that is desirable in the breed.


Yiri of Nice Pharamund's

Yiri of Nice Pharamund's



Reference:Staffordshire Terrier Club of America Inc.



Please do not inquire about ear cropping



Ear Cropping is Banned in Ireland



Our Amstaff was cropped in her country of origin where the procedure is LEGAL & is carried out by an experienced Veterinary Surgeon



It is also considered unethical & unnecessary by The Veterinary Ireland National Council



Dogs with cropped ears cannot be shown at national I.K.C. dog shows