Clifford Ormsby was born in Hornell, NY on August 24, 1905. Alberta also was born in Hornell 3 years later, on June 29, 1908. They were good friends in fact they grew up together a couple of streets apart. Young Cliff had about every animal there was to have. His first dogs were not purebred, and Cliff wanted to have a purebred dog that had spirit. Shortly after they were married Clifford & Alberta decided to take a pure pitbull. In 1930 Cliff went to Leonard,Texas, he took the dog, that he wanted. This was a female from W.F.Bennett's breeding, out of the famous pitbull dog Bennett Mack & Bennett Queen. The name of this female pup is well known to many Am Staff breeders, ORMSBY'S MADGE. It was the start, a Great start!
The X-Pert bloodline is one of oldest in Am Staffs. It was started in 1930 by Clifford & Alberta Ormsby. They lived in Hornell, NY. Clifford Ormsby was 25 years old, Alberta was 22 when they began their breeding program. Foundation bitch of the X-Pert family is Ormsby's Madge. Clifford bought her in Texas.
She was sired by famous pitbull Bennett's Mack, who was also known as Corrington's Mack C. Bennett's Mack was Corrington breeding. His bloods was a cross of Smith & Tudor's lines. Both lines had influence of old Henry bloodline, that was developed by Frank G.Henry in 1890's. But Tudor's dogs were mostly black part of the Henry line, when Charles Smith's dogs were more of the red part of the Henry line and more outcrossed than Tudor's. Tudor's part of Bennett's Mack pedigree was Tudor's Jack II, son of the great Tudor's Black Jack 16xW. In 1930's Tudor's gamedogs were as a sign of success. Earl Tudor of Oklahoma, or Oklahoma Kid as most dogmen of that time called him, was just 22 years old in 1915 when he won with Jack Swift. Earl became well known dogman all over the country in 1920's with his 16 times winner Black Jack dog and 9 times winner Black Jack Jr. There were many breeders in that time who decide to use Tudor's stuff in their breedings. Corrington was one of these breeders of that time. Ok, back to Ormsby's Madge... Her dam was Bennett's Queen, a cross of Hogan's & Pitts' lines. Hogan line was built on Henry blood. Some of Charles Smith's breedings are behind Hogan's too. Pitts' line was mostly old Colby's bloods with some Henry.
Foundation dog of the X-Pert strain is X-Pert Torpedo. He was black-brindle colored, stocky boy. Torpedo was born in 1929. Ormsby's bought him in Kansas. Torpedo was the first dog with the X-Pert prefix. This black-brindle boy was by Van Vliet's B Grenadier out of Van Vliet's Great Labelle. His bloods are Smith's & Tudor's. Torpedo was a grandson of famous pit dogs Price's Butcher Boy and Tudor's King. That Butcher Boy is great-grandson of Tudor's Supreme (littermate of famous Tudor's Black Jack Jr).
It was very interesting choice for Cliff to make Tudor's blood more influential in the X-Pert breeding program.
If we look deeper into Tudor's pedigrees, we will find out that Henry bloodline went back to linebred on Charlie Lloyd's import Lloyd's Pilot pedigrees and old Gas House strain. Lloyd's Pilot was whelped in 1878 in England. Foundation dog of the Henry bloodline was Henry's Red Toddy, son of Delihant's Monkey 11xW. Monkey was littermate of Delihant's Paddy 5xW. These 2 Delihant dogs played very important role in Tudor's Black Jack 16xW pedigree.
Tudor's Black Jack 16xW pedigree goes back to Delihant's Monkey 11xW through Black Tige, and to Delihant's Paddy 5xW through Mollie W. Both were by Feeley's Jessie out of Delihant's Crazy Kate 5xW. Feeley's Jessie was from Con Feeley bloodline. Con Feeley, who lived in Chicago, was well known gamedog breeder, some of his pedigrees went back to Lloyd's Pilot. Of course Feeley's Jessie was one of these dogs.
Delihant's Crazy Kate 5xW was Dr Propeck breeding. Propeck had bitch of Kennedy line, that went back to Lloyd's Pilot and Harry Jennings Brindle Bitch. He bred her to Tony Thornton stud, Thornton's Brooks, grandson of Lloyd's Pilot.
So, Ormsby's foundation was based on strong Tudor's & Smith's bloods that is in fact old Henry Bloodline, which roots went back to Charlie Lloyd's Pilot and old Gas House strain. And it was a great choice. Confirmation to these words was a litter by Torpedo out of Madge. Puppies were just beautiful, black & black-brindle colored, with strong Henry influence. Most famous of them were X-Pert Black Jack and X-Pert Black Queen.
It is also important to tell about X-Pert Bassett's Nigger. Clifford purchased him in 1933. Nigger was black colored boy with uncropped ears. He was born in April 1, 1933. Nigger was without white markings. Nigger's sire was Bassett's Black Clinker, Nigger's dam was Dutcher's Black Bess. As you see Nigger was the dog of Capt. C. Bassett's linebreeding. And many of the Bassett dogs went back to some circus dogs bred by a man named Heise. Heise's pedigrees went back to famous Midnight dog.
Bassett's foundation dog was famous Bassett's Black Satan. Whelped in 1923. Weight 50 pounds, height at shoulder 18 1/2 inches.
It's very important to tell about Bassett's Black Satin - paternal grandsire of X-Pert Bassett's Nigger.Doubled on famous Danger Boy with rest 25% of Lamkins bloods. C.P. Delaney's Danger Boy was mostly Colby, sired by Delaney's Danger 6xW out of E.C. Hull's Flash (Colby x Henry cross).
In 1934 X-Pert Black Queen was bred to X-Pert Bassett's Nigger to produce a very nice litter. Clifford noted it the best to date. X-Pert Little Princess & Black Prince are most known pups of this litter.
X-Pert Little Princess was flashy brindle bitch. In 1935 she was bred to X-Pert Black Jack, a Black Queen littermate. Princess produced X-Pert Black Shine, who was one of the first AKC registered pitbulls in 1936. Black Shine was shown at Angelica NY Dog Show in 1938 and took Best Of Breed. Black Shine was very Henry dog in type, was smarty and drive.
Clifford Ormsby: " I wasn't limited by breeding too close when I bred, because what I was using was so much outcrossed. So, if you start in with stuff that is already close bred, that's when you're going to get in trouble."
Ormsby's had some dogs from Donovan's and Clark's - Smith's bloods in 1930's. One of them was X-Pert Tiger Pal, who was bred to Loupes Of Bonniebrook to produce famous X-Pert Tiger Pat. Tiger Pat was fawn-brindle dog, spirited and smart. His dam was a granddaughter of Clifton's Nell (littersister of Ormsby's Madge). Mr.Clifton had some dogs from Bob Tonn's line. And Loupes of Bonniebrook was sired by one of these Tonn's bred dogs.
Ormsby's used some different bloods to create their line as well. In 1935 Clifford decided to try J.P.Colby's bloods for the X-Pert bloodline, he bred Ormsby's Madge to pure Colby dog, Winde's Pat Colby. His Colby's bloods were mostly Pincher, Galtie and old Gas House bloods. Galtie dog was product of two Irish imports breeding, and both of these imported dogs were from Hutton bloodline. Breeding of Madge to Pat Colby gave 2 black bitches, they are known as X-Pert Black Lady and X-Pert Black Dollie.
X-Pert Black Lady. She was sent to Wilfred Brandon to be shown at dog shows. Unfortunately I have no records how successful she was there.
X-Pert Black Shine x X-Pert Black Lady were bred to produce X-Pert Black Ace and X-Pert Black Daisy. Daisy was sold to Colonel Schuhmann, a pitbull breeder of Kentucky. Colonel bred pitbulls since 1890's and lost his old stock due a flood. He decided to start new breeding program with the X-Pert bitch. Later Schuhmann became famous X-Pert breeder and bred his line for soundness phisically and mentally.
There was another important breeding of Black Lady. She was bred to Ch.Mickey Do, a mahoghany brindle male with very similar pedigree to X-Pert Tiger Pat.
CH Mickey Do x X-Pert Black Lady breeding gave X-Pert Duchess . She was very Colby's in type. She was shown several times, as well as her dam Black Lady. Clifford and Alberta Ormsby sent their dogs to Wilfred Brandon and he handled them for Ormsby's. That was time when our breed just recieved recognition of AKC. Since 1936 AKC began to register them, thanks to Wilfred T.Brandon, the GREAT man, who pushed so much power for this. Mr.Brandon was the founder of STCA. He was elected first President. National Secretary and Treasurer was J. Maurice Wheeler. Vice Presidents were: W.R.Childs (Mid-West States), G.B.Claycomb (Southwestern States), J.P.Colby (Northeastern states), E.H.Nobbe (Southern States), C.A.Ormsby (Eastern States), R.N.Scott (Western & Pacific). Clifford better than anyone said: "Having fun at the AKC shows? Thank Mr.Brandon!" Here is photo of Wilfred Brandon.
X-Pert Black Lady was bred to Midnight Trailer, who was Earl Tudor breeding, half Henry half Feeley bloods.
X-Pert Black Ginger is from this breeding of Midnight Trailer x X-Pert Black Lady. Captain Bassett, breeder of X-Pert Bassett's Nigger, took black male pup from this breeding. He was named Bassett's Black Pat.
X-Pert Black Lady also had a litter by Arwin's Dixie - Colby's, Highland's dog. This breeding produced X-Pert Goldie Girl, a terri type bitch. Goldie was very important for the X-Pert bloodline in 1940's. She is dam of the first AKC X-Pert champion, Comstock's X-Pert Pack-A-Wow.
Packy was sired by X-Pert Tiger Pat, a very drive and smarty dog. Pack-A-Wow won National Specialty in 1942. Packy was successful at the pit side as well and later became known as proven sire of the game offsring. Ch.Comstock X-Pert Pack-A-Wow was used as stud several times, there were inbreedings on his sire X-Pert Tiger Pat.
CH X-Pert Pack-A-Wow can be found in some pedigrees of Earl Tudor dogs. Packy was bred to bitch named Sandy's Topsy, who was Donovan's x Baker's bloodlines. This breeding produced flashy black bitch named Black Satan. I believe her black color went back to Black Pat and Black Lady through Packy and to Black Rat through Topsy. Earl Tudor had son of Satan and Whitehurst's Tanner. Tanner was grandson of two very famous dogs Centipede 3xW and Cyclone. That Tudor's dog was named Tudor's Old Nigger.
Mr Oxley had a male from breeding Black Satan to Whitehurst's Tanner. It was Oxley's Black Pal. Oxley also had a bitch from Neblett's breeding, Oxley's Black Lil. This bitch was by Adam's Brindle Rat out of Patsy McCoy. Rat was mostly Tudor's x Lightner's bloods, owned by Mr Adams of San Antonio. So, Oxley's Black Lil was bred to Oxley's Black Pal to produce Oxley's Joe. Tudor's Cherry was bred to Oxley's Joe. This breeding produced Tudor's Red Mike.
CH X-Pert Pack-A-Wow was also bred to X-Pert Jinny. Jinny was granddaughter of Klump's Garm II at sire side, and great-grandaughter of the famous Ferguson's Centipede (Tudor's) 3xW and Billy Sunday 8xW at dam side of her pedigree. X-Pert Jinny was Ed Martin breeding. Her sire Brindle Blighter was littermate of Martin's Tramp, that can be found in Ruffian pedigrees too. Both were out of Ed Martin's AKC CH Tuffie Of Detroit.
You see that Ferguson's Centipede (Tudor's) 3xW appears in many of that time pedigrees. Centipede was mostly William J Lightner bloobline with some Tudor's bloods. Any pedigree of modern red-nose dogs, known as Old Family Reds, can be traced back to this outstanding specimen.
Back to Pack-A-Wow x Jinny breeding...They produced X-Pert Red Satina. In 1944 X-Pert Red Satina was bred back to Pack-A-Wow to produce X-Pert Red Susie and X-Pert Princess Pat.
On July 4, 1940 X-Pert Brindle Shiek was whelped, he was sired by X-Pert Tiger Pat out of X-Pert Duchess. Shiek was used as stud several times. In 1945 he was bred to X-Pert Red Susie to produce X-Pert Susie Q.
Buddy Of Elliot and Black Daisy were bred to produce great X-Pert bitch, Ch.X-Pert Gallant Betty. Schuhmann had big success in show rings with this girl. She was very nicely built and many judges confirmed this. Schuhman bred her to Ormsby's stud X-Pert Black Ace II, who carried bloods of Daisy's littermate. June 23, 1946 puppies were born. It was wonderful day for our breed! Legendary Ch.X-Pert Brindle Biff and Ch.X-Pert Buddy Of Louisville were born there.
Ch.X-Pert Brindle Biff was owned by Ormsby's. He was the first dog that Alberta handled at a dog show. He won many shows all over the country. Biff took the BOB at the National Speciality in Columbus, Ohio in 1949. X-Pert dogs took all placements there. Captain Will Judy wrote: "C. A. Ormsby....should be satisfied with these results for his X-Pert dogs took all 5 major placings - a record no other breeder has accomplished at a breed show in America, any breed." Biff had also Best Producer record as the sire of 14 AKC Champions:
1 |
Int.Ch.Topsy's Ghost |
8 |
Ch.X-Pert Gallant Lady |
2 |
Int.Ch.X-Pert The Angel |
9 |
Ch.X-Pert Black Betsy |
3 |
Ch.X-Pert Greer's Princess |
10 |
Ch.X-Pert Deep Onyx |
4 |
Ch.X-Pert Gerente |
11 |
Ch.X-Pert The Imp |
5 |
Ch.Alcade De X-Pert |
12 |
Ch.X-Pert Glamour Girl |
6 |
Ch.X-Pert Betty's Boy |
13 |
Ch.X-Pert Yankee Boy |
7 |
Ch.X-Pert Erin Of Chesterbrook |
14 |
Ch.X-Pert Nutch Of Jaynes Hill |
Clifford and Alberta used Biff as stud more than any other male. Today, Biff is predominent male in X-Pert pedigrees, it's just great to see his influence in today's X-Pert litters.
The X-Pert bloodline is very influential in modern American Staffordshire Terriers, as we can see from some of the X-Pert history.
All this information & lots, lots more can be found at